Quarter 2 Business Recap and Goals Check-in
If you follow my personal account on Instagram or my blog, you know that I love to chat all things goals! So I thought it would be fun to share the love and do one specifically for Going Bold! Personally, I also love seeing the behind-the-scenes of other people’s businesses and their journeys so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to hit both of those things.
So let’s chat about how the quarter went. If there are two words to describe Q2 it was business explosionnnnn! Like, the good kind of explosion!💥🤣Which, before I even get into the details I want to say THANK YOU for all of the support — seriously it means SO much. Real talk, I was not expecting this much growth, THIS fast with the new business and I could never have done it without all of you!
That being said, while I had a huge business explosion, I actually ended up not hitting A LOT of the original goals I made for the quarter. Wait, what?! I just told you it was a quarter of lots of growth in my biz and now I’m saying I threw my goals out the window? Well, let me explain. The thing is… because I had so much growth, some of the things I had originally planned in my business for Q2 had to take a back seat and that is 100% okay. You see, when I made some of these goals at the beginning of the year I was really shooting in the dark. Some of my goals were based on my last business, but truthfully I just didn’t know how things were going to go getting Going Bold off the ground.
So two things ended up happening:
I wildly underestimated the success my business would have so quickly — truthfully, I kind of expected that my workload would slow down a little in Q2 and I had planned to spend time on creating some products and educational offerings with that extra time. That definitely didn’t happen though. Not only did you guys keep my client roster full, but you also booked out my services for 2 months in advance so those internal projects got pushed back real fast.
I also realized that a lot of things I put so much time and focus on in my last business for metrics just haven’t been as important. I’m big on analytics.. and having numbers to track goals and efforts but I realized hitting a certain number of blog posts… certain number of followers on Instagram… or a certain level of web traffic just wasn’t playing as important of a role as I thought it might. So instead I put less pressure on hitting those benchmarks and instead dedicated time to other things that had more impact like building relationships and supporting others on social media.
If there was a quote to define quarter 2 for me it would be, “you can do anything, but not everything”. I really had to shift my focus and prioritize the things that really mattered. That’s the thing with goals too, things can change and that is okay! In fact, sometimes things not going to plan is the biggest gift that we can get. As business owners, I always say it’s great to have a plan, but it’s even more important to be adaptable! So that being said, here are some of the key things that went down this quarter.
Q2 Wins I’m Super Proud of:
A quarter of growth in SO many ways
Got to work with 17 of my ideal clients on their social media, branding, and web design
CRUSHED my Q2 income goal — surpassing my target by 28%
Had my top sales month as an entrepreneur EVER
Booked out my design services 1 and 2 months ahead of time
Was featured as a top Squarespace website designer
Had huge growth in my branding and design skills with all of my design projects!
Finished taking 23&9 Creative’s template shop course
Increased my monthly Pinterest views from 2k to 7k+
Took my first 3 day weekend since starting biz (I know.. I know..) but I also set aside time to plan days off, half days and vacations for the remainder of the year #PrioritizedThatThisQuarter
Bought a stock for Squarespace — I’m invested in the company in more than one way now 😂
and then a couple of other big personal wins
Booked our wedding venue for 2022 and our photographer! — because I’m not just growing my biz this year, I’m also planning a wedding
Hit my personal savings goal for the year (6 months early!)
Doubled my monthly IRA contributions
Other Ish that got done
The less exciting but still worth mentioning
Restructured branding package and increased my prices (this is something I had planned for later in the year but I pulled the trigger on it earlier)
Refined my questionnaires for all of my projects — social, branding and web design
Restructured start-dates for different kinds of projects and availability through end of year
Reorganized how I keep track of overlapping design projects
Adjusted agreements to include a few additional needed clauses
Goals that I didn’t hit this quarter
Original goals I had that I threw out the window
Squarespace Template Shop launch — originally I had planned to have that launched at the end of this quarter but now I’m working on launching it in Q4 or Q1 or next year
Branding & web design and social media monthly check-in freebie launches — these puppies got pushed to the backburner too
Writing 24 blog posts — I only ended up writing 12 which, TBH I’m still proud of getting that many written!
Growing Instagram community to 1k — I only made it to 700 but I love my community so much and am way more focused on quality relationships and connections over vanity numbers
Hitting my monthly and quarterly web traffic goal — I had a loftyyy website traffic goal that I didn’t even come close to but I also decided to focus less on that metric
Guys… I told you it was a QUARTER! Now don’t get it twisted, every quarter does not and will not look like this over here. I meannnnn I’ve been a business owner for 6+ years and this was probably the craziest quarter for me in terms of growth. The bigger point is to remind you of how much can change in a quarter…. or in 6 months… or in a year… when you really put your heart into what you’re working on. SO MUCH can change!
I hope my reflection will encourage you to embrace your journey and take some time to celebrate each and every one of your small and BIG wins! Because you might not even realize all of the things you’ve gotten done recently! That reflection is key! It’s also key in revisiting the goals you’re working on because things change! You can bet I’m spending quite a bit of time revising my goals for Q3 and Q4 now too!
Anna Osgoodby
Founder of Going Bold Studio, Anna Osgoodby is an award-winning designer and social media marketing expert. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in helping small businesses with their social media, branding and Squarespace website design.